A little back story for you all.....
I am a 23 year old male that is married to the HOTTEST wife in the world and we are currently expecting our first child in December. We are both ready and anxious to see what God has in store for our little one and us. I am currently serving as a youth minister at Good Hope Baptist Church outside of Louisville, MS. I am blessed to have amazing kids that want to learn more about God. Well that pretty much sums it up for the about me section.
Like i said I am a Christian. That is what i want to blog about is being a Christian and Keepin it Real and Crunk for Jesus. I want the whole world to here the the Love that Jesus has for them. I am not one of these Bible thumping conservative Christians either.
For example, i do not believe that we should be fighting the war in Iraq. I believe Jesus taught us to Love. Now i support the troops 100 percent while they are over, but i do not support the reasons that they are over there for. Another thing is I am not the biggest fan of our President. I am not a big fan of his, because any man that says Muslims and Christians pray to the same God are mistakin (Source). I do not pray to the same God as a Muslim.
This is the problem I have with the Church today they do not stand up for themselves. The Church today is based on feel good sermons and sermons that makes everyone feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Let me say something when Jesus preached he called people out (the rich young ruler), and He made people think (How in the heck are you suppose to get a camel through the eye of a needle). Jesus was bold in His delivery. He stood up for what He believed in. Jesus kept it real.
And that is what I try to do i try to keep it real with my youth and let them know that Jesus farted and had a sense of humor. We do not have to be a group of suit wearing, President Bush backers, War supporters to be Christians. We can be different from what the Church says we are suppose to do and still be cool with the Man up stairs.
In parting I would just like to say, Remember to keep it real as a Christian and live your life for Christ. Let everything we say, and everything we reflect the very nature of Jesus Christ.
Walking with Him- Jer. 33:3