Monday, April 20, 2009

Long Time No See

It has been a while since a have last blogged, and a lot has happened in my life since then.  I am now the proud father of an amazing 4 month old boy named Jackson Wyatt.  He has truly been a blessing to my life.  Right now he is laying on the floor playing with his little bear.  I can not imagine my life with out him now.  

Also since I last wrote we have a new President, and our economy has gone into the crapper.  

The times are tough right now, but as a Christian I know that everything that is going on in the world is in accordance to the plans of God.  I have a since of peace that everything is going to work out for the best.  Who knows the best thing in this case might be on a train with a one way ticket to Heaven.  

A few weeks ago my Pastor preached one of those rapture sermons.  You know the ones where the preachers are like you better get ready, because Jesus is coming back soon.  These sermons seem very popular now a days as I have talked to some friends and there pastors are preaching a lot of the same things.  Any way during his sermon he said that as Christians we should be ready for the rapture to come, so we can go to Heaven.  I see where he is coming from, but as for me I find myself wanting to stay on the Earth a little longer.  The reason I want to do this is, because there are so many people that still need to hear about the Love of Jesus.  There are lost people all around us the need to hear about Jesus.   So, my question to you is what are you doing about those people that need to hear about Jesus?  Are you telling them about Jesus, or just waiting for the rapture to come?  As Christians we should be always ready to share the Gospel with those around us.

In Him,