Friday, June 6, 2008

What was She Smoking?

Went to a Christian concert tonight and herd some weird band named Orphan Soul.  
Could not hardcore dance, because the lead singer did not like us. Strike One!
She talked way to much for a concert. Strike Two!
She said that Jesus being born and dying on the cross did not matter! Strike Three!!!!!

Ok Jesus being born does not matter what the crap are you smoking lady?  And then you have the audacity to say that Jesus Christ the Son of God dying on the cross does not matter?  I mean that is the basis for my faith as a Christian.  If not for Jesus being born of Mary the Virgin the scriptures would never have been fa filled, and Jesus would have just been another regular human SINNER!  Guess what His dying on the cross matters, because without it we could not spend an eternity with Him in Heaven.  

I do not know if she just said the wrong thing or left out a word, but by saying that made me take a  step back and take a look at her theology.  Now I want to be clear and come off like I am trying to judge her, because I am not.  Only God has the ability to see her true heart and judge her.  I still have to question her words though, because my youth were there.  I can not have them believing this crap.  So, i believe have a right in this situation to have a very strong opinion on this subject.

First, the birth of Jesus took place to one fulfill the scriptures and two to show Gods love for us.  Jesus had everything in heaven.  He humbled Himself and gave up everything he had so that we could be saved.  The virgin birth is the only of its kind and the only that will ever happen.  Mary trusted God that He would take care of her through out her pregnancy.  Mary was a women full of faith.  

Second, Jesus dying on the cross is EVERYTHING!  With out Jesus dying on the cross there would be nothing else.  With out Jesus living a perfect life there would be nothing else.  With out the Virgin birth there would be nothing else.  The cross is Gods sacrifice of His only Son so that we could spend an eternity with Him in heaven.  With out the cross there would be no reason to live today.  Jesus is the hope we have for tomorrow.  Jesus gives us the strength to face tomorrow.  Jesus is the Great I Am.  Jesus is the reason we live.  Thank you Jesus for dying on the cross.  Let us not forget the cross and the Virgin birth, because with out them there would be no today.

In conclusion, because of the virgin birth, the cross, and the resurrection of Jesus on the third day we have hope today.  We are now called to get out of bed and share the gospel with everyone we come into contact with.  The Virgin birth shows us the Faith Mary had and the Cross gives us hope.  We are all called to love.  Let us love one another just like God did when he allowed His son to be born into such an awful sinful world and then die on the cross for our sins.  

 In Him John 3:16

Monday, June 2, 2008

The Weekend

Went to a wedding.
Was pretty or so i was told by my wife.
My wife looked hot in her bridesmaid dress!
Talked about music with a real musician.
Got home too late.
Woke up and went to church.

That was pretty much my weekend in a nutshell.  Went and did the wedding thing and then came home.  I can say that I am glad the weddings or over with for a while.  Weddings are fun, but they take up an entire weekend of your time and that my friends is Bogus.  

However, while at this wedding I did have a lot of free time, and by a lot i mean 6 hours worth of free time.  During this free time a got to talking to God.  God revealed to me several things though this time spent with Him.

1. I need to be more consistent in my quiet times and reading my Bible.-  This is something that I tell my youth is vital to there spiritual growth and it is.  It is vital to every Christians spiritual growth.  My quiet times had been laking in the past few weeks.  God showed me that I need to work on this area of my life.  I admit that I have fallen short in this area of my life, and with Gods help I am going to strive to do better.

2.  I need to start being real with my youth.-  Yeah i teach them on Wednesday and Sunday nights, but for some reason I have felt like I have been lacking in my preperation and overall deliverance to them.  This is something that hurts me and is something that I have had to ask God to forgive me of.  The youth deserve for me to be real with them and that is what I am going to start doing.

The God I serve is a loving, mercy making, and grace giving God.  My Gods Love abounds from one end of the world 70 time 7.  My God is alive.  My God conquored the death.  My God loves everyone.  My God is THE God!

Grace and Mercy Jer. 33:3