I am so tired of all this election crap. We still have to listen to this for another month and I don't know if I can take it. I do not care if you are a Republican, Democrat, Independent, Moderate, or whatever you call yourself if you think that one of these men is going to change the world you are an IDIOT! No seriously you are. There is know way you can convince me that two men who have run dirty campaign's are qualified to be president. Both of the "candidates" (if you can call them that) do not deserve to lead a country. All they have done is spread have truths and lies about each other. To me integrity is one of the first qualities I look for in a person especially one who wants to lead the country I live in.
On one hand you have a man who has served in the military and I respect and appreciate him for that, but he is the biggest flip flopper I have ever seen. And I am pretty sure that if he becomes President the war will last forever and there will probably be WW3, because he is just going to want to fight everyone.
Then on the other hand we have a guy that I can not even put into words what he would do if he is president. I mean yeah lets raise taxes, so people can become poorer. And lets raise the budget another trillion dollars that we don't have. I mean come on dude seriously how can you think these are good ideas?
And he thing that bothers me the most is the fact that they both voted for this stupid bailout. I mean all this is is rewarding banks and people for being STUPID! Banks for lending the money and people for thinking they could afford houses way out of there budget.
People we need to stop spending more than we have, but hey I guess we are just following our Government. What are they like Trillions of dollars in debt? Yeah way to go Government officials and yes that includes you George Bush!
People we need to unite and come together and bring this nation out of the gutter. Rich people need to help out the poor. The government needs to stop worrying about themselves and start representing the people that elected them. America lets stop being selfish and start sharing and loving. If everyone would just stop worrying about there fancy cars and mansions then we would be better off. What good are al those things when we die? We can't take them with us. What happened to it is better to give then receive? Lets stop worrying about ourselves and start carrying for others. Enough said!
Over and Out-Daniel